Messiah in Chanukkah Chapter 18

  1. God’s Eternal Light once again indwells His Temple
  2. Messiah alone possesses the Seal of the Father
  3. The Unbroken Seal of the High Priest is the eternal life of the Spirit of Truth
  4. The Festival of Lights

God’s Eternal Light once again indwells His Temple:

Chanukkah teaches us that Divine illumination—the eternal Presence of the Avi Ha’Orot (אבי האורות-the Father of Lights—comes to us through the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. Chanukkah teaches us that only those who have the true unbreakable Seal of the High Priest are blessed with the gift of eternal life that God our Father gives.

When one repents of sin and puts his faith in God’s true Messiah Yeshua the Spirit of the Holy One permanently indwells him or her forever with His eternal life.

Messiah alone possesses the Seal of the Father:

It is said, that at the Temple re-dedication when the time came for the golden lamp stand to be relit only a one-day supply of the sacred olive oil could be found to fuel the golden lamp stand. Apparently the other flasks of oil that could be found did not possess the unbroken seal of the High Priest. The defiled flasks that had been tampered with whose seals had been broken or missing were ritually unacceptable. While the priests set about the laborious, time-consuming task of acquiring and refining a new supply of very pure olive oil, a task that took about a week, a miracle occurred:

The one-day supply of oil kept the golden lamp stand aflame for seven days!

This one solitary flask of oil that possessed the unbroken seal of the High Priest had miraculously kept the golden lamp stand aflame for a week is a witness to Or Ha’Olam, the Messiah. Only Rabbeinu Yeshua ben David has lived a life of perfect illumination and, perfect obedience to the Father of Lights. He is the only one in all human history whose life bears God’s seal of perfect approval; His seal of truth.

The Unbroken Seal of the High Priest is the eternal life of the Spirit of Truth:

The sages rightfully teach that God’s seal is emet (truth). The Messiah is the personified HaEmet (the Truth) of the heavenly Father. He alone possesses the Father’s Seal. The Seal in view here is the abiding Presence and work of the Spirit of the Holy One who is Ruach HaEmet. The Spirit of Truth perpetually abides upon, in, and manifests through the the life of Yeshua the Messiah. The miraculous works of Yeshua ben David are proof of this.

The ultimate proof of the Messiah permanently holding the office of High Priest on behalf of all redeemed humanity is his resurrection from the dead. See the *sign of the resurrection of Aaron’s rod; the dead *almond branch that was brought back to life and placed in the Holy of Holies. The sign of the resurrected almond branch reveals the truth that:

*Numbers 17:8..

The Messiah possesses a superior priesthood to the tribe of Levi.

His *priesthood actually administers forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life. The Almond Tree is the species of tree that the Golden Lamp stand is patterned after. The species of tree that fuels the Golden Lamp stand is the Olive Tree (cf. Zechariah 4:3).

*Psalm 110, Genesis 14:18. The high priestly order of Malki-Tzedek.

The Festival of Lights:

In the besorah of the Endowment of the Grace of Adonai Rabbi Yeshua prophetically inserts himself into the forefront of the Chanukkah celebration by declaring himself to be “the Light of the World.” He is the one whom the Father sanctified and “sent into the world” and who does the miraculous works of the Father.

Both Chanukkah Kislev 25 (December) and Sukkot Tishri 15 (September-October) are identified as Festivals of Light.

The narrative of the Jewish gospel of the Endowment of the Grace of Adonai refers first to the fall festival of Sukkot. Yochanan ben Zebedyah does this to first clearly identify the Messiah as now being God’s visible Light to the World. Thereafter the narrative of Yochanan moves to the time of the winter festival of Chanukkah. This was done to give greater emphasis to the Messiah’s heavenly origin and to reveal the specific time God the Father sanctified and sent His Son into the world; which was occurred precisely at the time of the beginning of Chanukkah; when the *ascended servant candle is used to light the first of the eight candles!


Messiah in Chanukkah Chapter 19 >>