Messiah in Purim Chapter 9
- The Miracle of Purim
- Why Mordecai is cheered
- Why gifts are given
The Miracle of Purim:
The miracle of Purim brought Israel to a renewed acceptance of the Torah, a word derived from the root word yarah, meaning “to shoot straight.” Therefore, in Hebrew, sin is defined as missing the mark. The result of wiping out Amalek (the evil one, the adversary) always leads to the opposite of sin; missing the mark. Hitting the mark always involves hearing, understanding, and obeying the Word of God! (the D’var HaShem) The overthrow of evil occurs when Adonai’s people (Israel) “accurately” hear, understand and obey His Torah (His guidance and instruction). When Israel as a nation and a people accurately hears, understands and obeys the living Torah of the Holy Spirit then our *heavenly Father will send back His Messiah to Israel to establish His (God’s) rule here on earth.
*Avinu Shebashamayim (אבינו שבשמים).
Why Mordecai is cheered:
There are two ways in which holiness is revealed in the world: either through the victory of the righteous or through the downfall of the wicked. When Israel acts justly, the righteous are exalted and the LORD our God’s praise rises from us. When Israel or any of the Holy One’s chosen people lacks merit, deliverance comes through the downfall of those who are more wicked than we are. The downfall of the wicked alone, however, does not bring joy into the world:
Rejoicing only comes from “blessed is Mordecai” (the Humble Man).
This is so because Mordecai symbolizes the “free reign of the Holy Spirit” upon the earth that is brought about by the sacrifice of the Humble Man (cf. Messiah in HaBikkurim, Chapter 9). Therefore, it is a much greater occasion to joyously celebrate “blessed is Mordecai;” the beginning of the messianic kingdom, the reign of God’s compassion, mercy and goodness!
Why gifts are given:
The commandments (mitzvot), of Misloah Manot and Matianot Le-evyonim—the giving of gifts to one another and the giving of gifts to the poor—commemorate the love and unity that Mordecai and Esther inspire among all the people of Israel; and we pray among all of the nations, peoples, and families of the earth.
Gifts of the Spirit are for the building up of the family of God until we attain to the full measure and stature of His Messiah.
These Divinely sourced spiritual gifts are given to us so that we might become fit for service and relational excellence in the kingdom of God. This Spirit of generosity leads to perfect unity: echad, in the bond of shalom. Therefore, how do we pursue and fulfill the interests of all? By each of us being obedient to the will of Avinu Shebashamayim, our Heavenly Father. For that is what is best for all!