Messiah in Shavuot Chapter 15

  1. All of our emerging physical properties will decay and die
  2. None of our emerging conscious properties will ever die

All of our emerging physical properties will decay and die:

Consciousness is not a consequence of our emerging physical properties alone. Our consciousness is not—as materialists claims—a result of “random (temporal-physical) synaptic events.” Our consciousness is sourced in our (eternal) spiritual being. Our Creator’s consciousness is composed of an eternal fabric that cannot die (be annihilated). Similarly, our consciousness is sourced in the never-ending life of our Creator (Hayotzer) and so our emerging conscious properties are also made-up out of His eternal spiritual fabric that cannot die.

None of our emerging conscious properties will ever die:

The heavenly Father, our Creator, is Spirit. We are made in His Image. Unlike our Father Adonai we possess physical properties that are stored in our bodies that are made out of a destructible ‘thin’ fabric that will die. However, like our Creator, we possess conscious properties that are stored-up in our souls and spirits that are made out of an indestructible ‘thick’ fabric that will never die.

Therefore, our conscious being and experiences are retained (live on) forever after our physical bodies die because at the creation of Adam God breathed the life of His own eternal Spirit into Adam; and at that moment Adam became Adam ben Ha-Elohim. Our capacity to store all of our conscious experiences upon and in the eternal fabric of our souls and spirits creates two related problems (challenges) both in life and at death:.

Problem #1.  What happens if we refuse Adonai’s generous offer of redemption in this life?

Problem #2.  What happens at death to the sinful material that we have stored-up in our souls and spirits throughout our lifetimes? The tragic answer is this: If we refuse to accept Adonai’s generous offer to cleanse us from all of our sins before we physically die, then after we physically die our sins will be retained in our souls and spirits that cannot be annihilated forever.

Therefore, it is incredibly important that we (all Israel) understand that in this life our acceptance of the Divine Redemption is how all of our sins (past, present, and future) are transferred from our souls and spirits away from us and upon our Redeemer, the Messiah our Sin-bearer (cf. the Individual Servant; study all of Isaiah 53). This leads us to two truths that can help us permanently solve our two previously referenced problems of “sin and death.”

Solution #1.  The Messiah alone is able to be our Sin-bearer. Through the exercise of His own personal virtue He alone is able to overcome the great weightiness of our collective sin with His even greater Strength—the unlimited power and Strength of His exceedingly abundant Righteousness.

Solution #2.  This means the judgment of Adonai is that while we are still physically alive we can accept His generous offer to cleanse us from all our sin. However, if we refuse His offer of Divine Redemption while we are alive, then after death our sins will be retained forever; and as a result in the next life we will be banished forever from the Presence of Elohim Chayim (the Living God).

Therefore, once we accept the generous offer of Divine Redemption then Adonai our Father will send us the gift of His Living Torah Who will change us from the Inside-out and Indwell us with His eternal life forever. Chag Shavuot Sameach!

Messiah in Shavuot Chapter 16 >>