Messiah in Yom HaBikkurim Chapter 4

  1. The battle is set
  2. Esther died and was resurrected on the third day
  3. Resurrection occurs in three days and three nights
  4. When the battles against Egypt and Persia were won!
  5. Job’s ‘Hidden Day’ of Nisan 15-17
  6. The accursed day of Job and the Hidden Day of Messiah
  7. The Lord of all space-time, matter, and energy
  8. Counting the days
  9. The Hidden Day of the Messiah

The battle is set:

It took three months for news to travel to all the ends of the Persian Empire. The Annihilation Proclamation was issued on the 13th of Nisan. Three hundred and thirty-six days later, on the 13th and 14th of Adar (473 BCE), the battle of good vs. evil was fought. The Jewess Haddasah-Esther is a picture of the new inner person, the new inner self, who once regenerated by Adonai refuses to be guided by anything other than the ministry of the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the Administration of the Humble Man (Mordecai). Her two different names Haddasah-Esther represent a New Creation Order that includes the reign of both a Hebrew-Gentile bride (Hadassah-הֲדַסָה Esther-أستير). In the future Commonwealth of Israel the walls of Jew and Gentile will be broken down. The two peoples will both merge together to form one united international body of believers.

Esther died and was resurrected on the third day:

Esther ‘died’ the day she committed herself to go before the king. She fasted for “three days”—symbolizing she was dead for three days—on the third day Esther ‘arose’ to go into the king who held out his golden scepter to her, whereby she by faith obtained the king’s favor, grace, and deliverance from the Law (the Edict of Death). This is why Esther went into the king on the third day, even though she was still fasting and could not partake of her own banquet (due to her sacrifice) and consequently, she had to hold a Second Banquet to eat and drink (have communion) with the king the next day. It is at the time of the Second Banquet that evil is destroyed and Adonai’s righteousness begins to reign in the kingdom. The First Banquet represents life under the Covenant of the Law. The Second Banquet represents life under the Covenant of Grace, mediated by the One Mediator (Melitz Echad), the Mashiach, and administered by the Spirit of Grace.

Resurrection occurs in three days and three nights:

Resurrection occurs on the third day, after three days and three nights.

If we “count” the horrible supernatural night that came over the holy land at the Messiah’s crucifixion (when He  was “impaled” on a wooden pole) we get three nights. Not two. This unusual, mysterious third night marks the beginning of an additional night and day (included in Messiah’s sacrifice on the accursed tree). Prophetically speaking, Esther did not see Haman removed from office until after a full three day, three night fast was completed; read carefully chapters five through seven.

The Hidden Day that Job prophetically asked the Holy One to remove from the calendar is the day of Messiah’s birth pangs.

This is the sacred, hidden day of tormenting death for Messiah our Pesach (cf. Job 3:3-13). This additional “hidden day” of the Messiah, turns the Nisan 16 resurrection day into a Nisan 17 resurrection day:

יֹאבַד יֹום אִוָּלֶד בֹּו וְהַלַּיְלָה אָמַר הֹרָה גָֽבֶר׃ הַיֹּום הַהוּא יְֽהִי חֹשֶׁךְ אַֽל־יִדְרְשֵׁהוּ אֱלֹוהַּ מִמָּעַל וְאַל־תֹּופַע עָלָיו נְהָרָֽה׃ יִגְאָלֻהוּ חֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת תִּשְׁכָּן־עָלָיו עֲנָנָה יְבַעֲתֻהוּ כִּֽמְרִירֵי יֹֽום׃ הַלַּיְלָה הַהוּא יִקָּחֵהוּ אֹפֶל אַל־יִחַדְּ בִּימֵי שָׁנָה בְּמִסְפַּר יְרָחִים אַל־יָבֹֽא׃ הִנֵּה הַלַּיְלָה הַהוּא יְהִי גַלְמוּד אַל־תָּבֹא רְנָנָה בֹֽו׃ יִקְּבֻהוּ אֹרְרֵי־יֹום הָעֲתִידִים עֹרֵר לִוְיָתָֽן׃ יֶחְשְׁכוּ כֹּוכְבֵי נִשְׁפֹּו יְקַו־לְאֹור וָאַיִן וְאַל־יִרְאֶה בְּעַפְעַפֵּי־שָֽׁחַר׃ כִּי לֹא סָגַר דַּלְתֵי בִטְנִי וַיַּסְתֵּר עָמָל מֵעֵינָֽי׃ לָמָּה לֹּא מֵרֶחֶם אָמוּת מִבֶּטֶן יָצָאתִי וְאֶגְוָֽע׃ מַדּוּעַ קִדְּמוּנִי בִרְכָּיִם וּמַה־שָּׁדַיִם כִּי אִינָֽק׃ כִּֽי־עַתָּה שָׁכַבְתִּי וְאֶשְׁקֹוט יָשַׁנְתִּי אָז יָנוּחַֽ לִֽי׃

יאבד יום אולד בו והלילה אמר הרה גבר׃ היום ההוא יהי חשך אל־ידרשהו אלוה ממעל ואל־תופע עליו נהרה׃ יגאלהו חשך וצלמות תשכן־עליו עננה יבעתהו כמרירי יום׃ הלילה ההוא יקחהו אפל אל־יחד בימי שנה במספר ירחים אל־יבא׃ הנה הלילה ההוא יהי גלמוד אל־תבא רננה בו׃ יקבהו אררי־יום העתידים ערר לויתן׃ יחשכו כוכבי נשפו יקו־לאור ואין ואל־יראה בעפעפי־שחר׃ כי לא סגר דלתי בטני ויסתר עמל מעיני׃ למה לא מרחם אמות מבטן יצאתי ואגוע׃ מדוע קדמוני ברכים ומהש־דים כי אינק׃ כי־עתה שכבתי ואשקוט ישנתי אז ׀ ינוח לי׃

“Let the day perish in which I was born, the night which said, ‘There is a man child conceived.’ Let that day be darkness; don’t let God from above seek for it, neither let the light shine on it. Let darkness and the shadow of death claim it for their own. Let a cloud dwell on it. Let all that makes black the day terrify it. As for that night, let thick darkness seize on it. *Let that night be blotted off the calendar, never again to be counted among the days of the year, never again to appear among the months. Behold, let that night be barren. Let no joyful voice come therein. Let them curse it who curse the day, who are ready to rouse up Leviathan [the sea monster]. Let the stars of the twilight of it be dark. Let it look for light, but have none, neither let it see the eyelids of the morning because it did not shut up the doors of my mother’s womb, nor did it hide trouble from my eyes. ‘Why didn’t I die from the womb?

Why didn’t I give up the spirit when my mother bore me?

“Why did my mother let me live? Why did she nurse me at her breasts? For if I had died at birth, I would be at peace now, asleep and at rest.'”

This is a prophetic depiction of the three hours of darkness that became an entire day. From the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour; therefore, from about noon til three the day became darkness.

“Let that day be darkness…Let darkness and the shadow of death claim it.”

This darkness in no way could have been an eclipse of any kind. If you simply go to the “” web site you will discover that the longest eclipses of any kind (lunar and solar; especially the solar blood moons) never last longer than a few minutes. The longest total, annular, and hybrid solar eclipses (only a solar eclipse can occur during a full moon) that are predicted in the “ten thousand year” period surrounding this Hidden Day are:

The Longest    Total    Solar Eclipse:  Duration   7 minutes, 29 seconds.

The Longest Annular  Solar Eclipse:  Duration 12 minutes, 24 seconds.

The Longest   Hybrid  Solar Eclipse:  Duration   1 minute,   49 seconds.

Therefore, the darkness that covered the land for three hours (around 180 minutes) absolutely was not an eclipse of any kind!

When the battles against Egypt and Persia were won!

For both Moses and Mordecai deliverance and resurrection occurred on the third day…after three days and three nights:

Deliverance of the Third Day #1.  For Moses the Reed Sea was crossed on Nisan 17 and the army of Pharaoh was thwarted.

Deliverance of the Third Day #2.  For Mordecai on Nisan 17 Israel was ‘vindicated,’ the rule of wicked Haman was ‘overthrown,’ and the final judgment of the wicked one’s entire evil administration was set in motion.

Job’s ‘Hidden Day’ of Nisan 15-17:

As stated before: If you count the horrible supernatural night that came over the holy land at the time of the Messiah’s sacrifice—when He was impaled on a pole, like the wicked administration of Haman sought to do to the Humble Man, Mordecai—you get three nights. Not two. This unusual, unique ‘third’ night marks the beginning of an additional night and day that is included in Messiah’s once-in-eternity sacrifice on the accursed tree.

Esther did not see Haman removed from office until after a full three day, three night fast was completed. This is the time-frame of the Mashiach’s redemptive suffering, death, and visitation of the spirits and souls of the righteous in the Bosom of father Abraham in Sheol. At the end of this period of time the Mashiach resurrected from the dead and with His resurrection He released the spirits and souls from the captivity of Sheol; thereafter, these are the spirits of the tzaddikim (righteous ones) made “perfect” (אֶל־רוּחוֹת הַצַּדִּיקִים הַנִּשְׁלָמִים׃).

What does this mean, the spirits of the righteous were ‘perfected’?

Having already secured their redemption the Messiah was able to immediately send these tzaddikim (הַצַּדִּיקִים) to the future appointed place and time of their resurrection. Immediately these righteous persons were resurrected into their new (eternal) immortal, incorruptible, invincible, imperishable bodies. Immediately they were transported to their appointed times and places (cf. Messiah in Rosh HaShanah, chapters 9, 10 & 11). This means that when these redeemed persons were freed from sheol (the holding place of the dead):

They immediately time-traveled to the appointed future time and place of their resurrection. 

Therefore, back to the Hidden Day—-the Hidden Day that Job prophetically asked our Father in heaven to remove from the calendar is the day of the Mashiach’s birth pangs (cf. Job 3:3-13 above). In reference to these prophetic birth pangs of Job the Messiah said to His disciples, just before His death on the accursed tree:

הָאִשָּׁה כִּי תַקְרִיב לָלֶדֶת עֶצֶב לָהּ כִּי מָלְאוּ יָמֶיהָ וְאַחֲרֵי לִדְתָּהּ אֶת־הַיֶּלֶד לֹא־תִזְכֹּר עוֹד אֶת־עִצְּבוֹנָהּ וְהִיא שְׂמֵחָה כִּי־אָדָם נוֹלַד לָעוֹלָם׃

האשה היולדת שרויה בעצב, כי הגיעה שעתה. אבל לאחר שילדה את הילד אין היא זוכרת עוד את הסבל, בשל השמחה כי נולד אדם לעולם.פ

“The woman that is about to give birth has pain because her days are fulfilled, but after she gives birth to the child she no longer remembers her pain; she is simcha (happy) because a person was born into the world.”

Job’s words of anguish and torment prophetically refer to the time when Messiah would offer Himself up to the Righteous Father as a living sacrifice. This He did so that He might secure for His people Israel (and all mankind) the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. The Mashiach likened this time of sacrifice as being like what happens when a mother gives birth to her child. Whenever a mother is in labor she endures pain. However, when her hour has come, when the mother gives birth to her child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the great joy (simcha-שְׂמֵחָה) that her child has been born into the world.

It is interesting to note that when we rightfully busy ourselves with the task of recognizing the extreme horror of the Mashiach’s pain and anguish in sacrificing His life on our behalf on the accursed tree, we oftentimes forget to go on and explain the Salvation of Adonai’s (Yeshua’s) own commentary on the matter. We forget that the Savior of the World (Moshia HaOlam) did this great act of saving us not just as a loving, selfless sacrifice. The Mashiach endured the anguish and despised the shame for Simcha, Joy! Therefore, at all times we must understand and never forget that  everything the Mashiach did, including His sacrifice, He did for Simcha, Joy:

וְנַבִּיטָה אֶל־יֵשׁוּעַ רׂאשׁ הָאֱמוּנָה וּמַשְׁלִימָהּ אֲשֶׁר בְּעַד הַשִׂמְחָה הַשְּׁמוּרָה לוֹ קִבֵּל אֶת־הַצְּלוּב וַיִּבֶז הַחֶרְפָּה וַיֵּשֶׁב לִימִין כִּסֵּא הָאֱלׂהִים׃

בהביטנו אל ישוע מכונן האמונה ומשלימה, אשר בעד השמחה הערוכה לפניו סבל את הצלב ובז לחרפה, וישב לימין כסא האלהים.פ

Look to the Salvation of Adonai (Yeshua-יֵשׁוּעַ), the author and perfecter of the faith who for the Simcha (Joy) set before Him endured the cross (the wooden gallows shaped in the form of the Hebrew letter Tav), despising the shame, and has (as a result of His sacrifice) sat down at the right hand of the throne of Adonai.

Therefore, Adonai Avinu and the Messiah sacrificed everything out of love and for Joy!!

Yeshua considered His sacrifice as being “nothing” (so small as to be despised) in comparison to the the all-surpassing Simcha, Joy of what He was about to gain. The Mashiach knew well in advance of His sacrfice that in addition to ruling at the right hand of the Father, He would (through His redemptive ministy) be able to completely make all things new. The Mashiach’s redemption will not only lead to our redemption but to the eventual perfection of ourselves and of all of creation. The Head of the Assembly (Rosh Ha’edah), the Head of all things, and the Heir of all things will make “all things new” where even the taint of remembering that sin ever existed at all will be no more!

The accursed day of Job and the Hidden Day of Messiah:

The three days and three nights (in the belly of the earth) began after Nisan 14, the day that ended Friday, at the “*sixth hour” (around 12 noon), at the moment of the strange supernatural darkness that came over the land at midday. In His crucifixion the Messiah first experienced the wrath of man from the “third hour to the sixth hour” (around 9 am to 12 noon). Then Messiah suffered the unspeakable, unfathomable wrath of Adonai Eloheinu from the sixth to the ninth hours (around noon to 3 pm).

The Messiah’s soul and body were in torment from twelve noon to three. After Yeshua, the Lamb of Elohim completed our redemption He took “captivity captive.” This means that technically the real Pesach Seder (that Exodus 12 prophetically is a witness to) began exactly at the sixth hour and ended exactly at the ninth hour.

This was the ”night that was blotted off the calendar” that was claimed by darkness and the shadow of death.

This Mystery of the Hidden Day is why there were two symbolic Passover Seders that occurred: one Seder was observed by the Messiah and his disciples on Thursday at sunset:, another Seder was observed by all Israel on Friday at sunset. Thereafter, the Suffering Servant of Israel claimed our salvation and was resurrected on the third day (Nisan 17). In this way the Messiah’s resurrected life became the firstfruits (HaBikkurim) of Adonai Eloheinu’s “New Creation.”

וַתָּנַח הַתֵּבָה בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי בְּשִׁבְעָה־עָשָׂר יֹום לַחֹדֶשׁ עַל הָרֵי אֲרָרָֽט׃

ותנח התבה בחדש השביעי בשבעה־עשר יום לחדש על הרי אררט׃

“In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.” Genesis 8:4 is a witnesses to the fact that the New Creation began on the 17th of Nisan. On the “hidden” day of Messiah’s resurrection the ark “rested” upon the mountains of Ararat (note: the seventh month, seventeenth day after the flood became the first month, seventeenth day after the first Pesach, cf. Exodus 12:2).

הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים רִאשֹׁון הוּא לָכֶם לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָֽה׃

החדש הזה לכם ראש חדשים ראשון הוא לכם לחדשי השנה׃

“This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.”

The Lord of all space, time, matter, energy:

It is important to point out that in the Tanakh our heavenly Father has previously altered the length of a day by several hours and minutes (Joshua 10:12-14; 2 Kings 20:10-11).

אָז יְדַבֵּר יְהֹושֻׁעַ לַֽה’ בְּיֹום תֵּת ה’ אֶת־הָאֱמֹרִי לִפְנֵי בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיֹּאמֶר לְעֵינֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁמֶשׁ בְּגִבְעֹון דֹּום וְיָרֵחַ בְּעֵמֶק אַיָּלֹֽון׃ וַיִּדֹּם הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ וְיָרֵחַ עָמָד עַד־יִקֹּם גֹּוי אֹֽיְבָיו הֲלֹא־הִיא כְתוּבָה עַל־סֵפֶר הַיָּשָׁר וַיַּעֲמֹד הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ בַּחֲצִי הַשָּׁמַיִם וְלֹא־אָץ לָבֹוא כְּיֹום תָּמִֽים׃ וְלֹא הָיָה כַּיֹּום הַהוּא לְפָנָיו וְאַחֲרָיו לִשְׁמֹעַ ה’ בְּקֹול אִישׁ כִּי ה’ נִלְחָם לְיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

אז ידבר יהושע לה’ ביום תת ה’ את־האמרי לפני בני ישראל ויאמר ׀ לעיני ישראל מש בגבעון דום וירח בעמק אילון׃ וידם השמש וירח עמד עד־יקם גוי איביו הלא־היא כתובה על־ספר הישר ויעמד השמש בחצי השמים ולא־אץ לבוא כיום תמים׃ ולא היה כיום ההוא לפניו ואחריו לשמע ה’ בקול איש כי ה’ נלחם לישראל׃

Then Joshua spoke to Adonai in the day when Adonai delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,

“O sun, stand still at Gibeon,
And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.”
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.

Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. There was no day like that before it or after it, when Adonai listened to the voice of a man; for Adonai fought for Israel.

וַיֹּאמֶר יְחִזְקִיָּהוּ נָקֵל לַצֵּל לִנְטֹות עֶשֶׂר מַעֲלֹות לֹא כִי יָשׁוּב הַצֵּל אֲחֹרַנִּית עֶשֶׂר מַעֲלֹֽות׃ וַיִּקְרָא יְשַׁעְיָהוּ הַנָּבִיא אֶל־ה’ וַיָּשֶׁב אֶת־הַצֵּל בַּֽמַּעֲלֹות אֲשֶׁר יָרְדָה בְּמַעֲלֹות אָחָז אֲחֹֽרַנִּית עֶשֶׂר מַעֲלֹֽות׃

ויאמר יחזקיהו נקל לצל לנטות עשר מעלות לא כי ישוב הצל אחרנית עשר מעלות׃ ויקרא ישעיהו הנביא אל־ה’ וישב את־הצל במעלות אשר ירדה במעלות אחז אחרנית עשר מעלות׃

So Hezekiah answered, “It is easy for the shadow to decline ten steps; no, but let the shadow turn backward ten steps.” Isaiah the prophet cried to Adonai, and He brought the shadow on the stairway (lit. steps) back ten steps by which it had gone down on the stairway (lit. steps) of Ahaz. These miracles were done to demonstrate Adonai’s sovereign rule over the universe (matter, energy, space and time).

These variations in the time a Hebrew day consists of supports our assertion of the existence of a special hidden day (on Nisan 15).

The special sacred day consisted of a shortened three hour night and a three hour day. It should also once again be pointed out that a normal Hebrew day begins with night (sunset-sunrise) and ends with day (sunrise-sunset). In the Tanakh days are not defined by hours and minutes but by the succession of one period of night followed by one period of day.

Counting the days:

Another unique facet of the Hebrew day is how it is counted. Any portion of a day (or night), no matter how small, is counted as a full day. Therefore, the Messiah was literally in the heart of the earth for three nights and three days. This is so because our Lord died in the darkness (night) just before the (Hebrew) ninth hour (approximately 3pm). The timetable below demonstrates how the Salvation of Adonai (the LORD), the Messiah Yeshua ben Joseph ben David was physically dead for three nights and three days. By the way:

It is curious that Messiah refers to the period of His being physically dead as being three days and three nights.

The only way His death should be sequenced in this way, as we see it, is if He were looking back in time at His crucifixion on the accursed tree. It is as if the Messiah is viewing His death from the vantage point of a later time. Therefore, it appears the Mashiach actually viewed His death from the future or more likely from a place of ‘singularity;’ a place ‘outside’ of time. It is as if the Messiah Yeshua prophetically saw His death, resurrection, ascension, etc., as having been already accomplished before it had actually happened!

The Hidden Day of Messiah:

Number Sacred Day Secular Date Day Hours
Night 1 Nisan 15, 3790 April 7, 30 CE Friday Noon-3 PM
Day 1 Nisan 15, 3790 April 7, 30 CE Friday 3 PM- 6 PM
Night 2 Nisan 16, 3790 April 7, 30 CE Friday 6 PM- 6 AM
Day 2 Nisan 16, 3790 April 8, 30 CE Saturday 6 AM- 6 PM
Night 3 Nisan 17, 3790 April 8, 30 CE Saturday 6 PM- 6 AM
Day 3 Nisan 17, 3790 April 9, 30 CE Sunday At Sunrise

Messiah in Yom HaBikkurim Chapter 5 >>