
Purim 2025 begins sunset of Thursday, March 13, 2025 and ends nightfall of Friday, March 14, 2025.

Chapter 1

  1. Summary of Chapters 2-25
  2. Messianic prophecy hidden in the little Scroll of Esther

Chapter 2

  1. Resurrection of Messiah and the Nation of Israel
  2. Nisan 16/17 and the Feast of HaBikkurim
  3. The First and Second Coming of the Salvation of Adonai (the LORD)
  4. Deliverance is conceived in the month of Sivan
  5. Conception of a New Decree
  6. The Hebrew meaning of the word “Decree”
  7. The Torah written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God
  8. God’s gift of eternal life His Living Torah!
  9. Pictographs and ideograms
  10. Hidden message in the Megillah of the Elijah to come
  11. Message of the Grace of God found in the Scroll of His Great Compassion

Chapter 3

  1. His name is Yochanan: the “Grace of God!”
  2. The prophecy of Zechariah ben Aaron given to the people of Israel
  3. Conception of Yochanan, the First Elijah to come (*Sivan 23)
  4. The Birth & Circumcision of Yochanan, the First Elijah to come (*Nisan 14-21)
  5. The Festival of Purim and the eternal reign of the Spirit of the Holy One
  6. The memory that evil ever existed will be “erased”
  7. Our knowledge of evil and sin will be completely destroyed
  8. El Yisrael has delivered us from the Decree of Annihilation (Death)
  9. The Conception of the Messiah (*Kislev 25)
  10. The Messiah is the Light of the World
  11. The Birth & Circumcision of the Messiah (*Tishri 15-22)
  12. Chag Ha Shavuot, Sivan 6, 3755 (6 BCE)

Chapter 4

  1. Messianic prophecy of the 180 day feast that leads to life
  2. The Messiah was born on Tishri 15
  3. Prophecy of the 180 day feast that leads to death
  4. The feasts of the King

Chapter 5

  1. Esther, Dedication of the first Temple and Tishri 6
  2. The time of Jacob’s Distress (Tzara Ya’acov)
  3. Esther and Israel’s (yet future) time of testing
  4. The Megillah’s condemnation of the love of the things of the World

Chapter 6

  1. Israel’s failure in the Scroll of Esther to observe Pesach
  2. Pesach: the Banquet of Redemption and Reconciliation
  3. On the 7th day the King ordered his Queen to appear before him
  4. Queen Vashti’s Refusal
  5. Vashti’s Successor Sought
  6. Hadassah-Esther finds favor with the King
  7. Hadassah-Esther becomes Queen of 7 and 120 Provinces

Chapter 7

  1. Haman’s rise to power, wicked deed (Nisan 13) and Mordecai’s righteous resistance
  2. Mordecai saves the King
  3. Haman’s plot against the Jews
  4. Judgment for failing to observe Pesach
  5. Judgment averted: The three night, three day fast
  6. Hadassah-Esther learns of Haman’s Plot
  7. Hadassah-Esther’s Plan to Intercede
  8. Hadassah-Esther offered her own life as a sacrifice for her people

Chapter 8

  1. Esther plans a Banquet
  2. Erasure of Israel’s transgression of not observing Pesach
  3. Haman’s Chametz (his Pride)
  4. The King’s Plan to honor Mordecai
  5. Haman is forced to honor Mordecai
  6. Esther’s Plea for deliverance from Haman and the Annihilation Decree
  7. Haman is hanged (Nisan 17) on the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai
  8. Wicked Haman was cast out of the Queen’s chambers
  9. A related event to the Scroll of Esther: Hezekiah consecrates the Temple on Nisan 1-8
  10. The erasure of Haman’s name

Chapter 9

  1. The Miracle of Purim
  2. Why Mordecai is cheered
  3. Why gifts are given

Chapter 10

  1. Instructions and Commandments
  2. Why wine is an important part of Purim
  3. Haman’s Pride vs. Messiah’s Humility

Chapter 11

  1. Why Hadassah-Esther is included in the Tanakh
  2. The Eternal Reign of the Spirit
  3. The first Adam and the last Adam

Chapter 12

  1. Conflict among two closely related peoples
  2. Pride (self-glorification) the root of all sin
  3. Before salvation is received, pride must be destroyed
  4. Out with Chametz
  5. Whose voice was it that Haman & Judas obeyed?

Chapter 13

  1. The battle is set
  2. Esther died and was resurrected on the third day
  3. Resurrection occurs in three days and three nights

Chapter 14

  1. The cursed day of Job and the Hidden Day of Messiah
  2. Lord of space, time, matter, energy
  3. Counting the days
  4. The Hidden Day of Messiah

Chapter 15

  1. Isaac is a type of the sacrificed Messiah
  2. The Nation of Israel is elect and the international Body of Messiah is elect
  3. Almighty God’s Sovereign Grace

Chapter 16

  1. Haman is like Esau
  2. Esther, Israel, Judaism and those Gentiles who fear God
  3. The flesh (the root of sin in the body) must be crucified
  4. Death to Self-life
  5. The Ten Sons of Haman

Chapter 17

  1. Haman is linked to the Ten nations in Daniel
  2. The Hands of God our Father are outstretched now
  3. The Good News Message of Esther and Mordecai
  4. The road from your old Self-life to the new life given of God, in three acts

Chapter 18

  1. Live in the Promises of God our Father
  2. Put your trust in the Mighty One of Israel
  3. Our heavenly Father defines reality

Chapter 19

  1. Drowning the children of the Holy One in the Nile of Unbelief
  2. Trans-humanism and the Synagogue of Me
  3. When the people of the earth are no more than a Human Shield for the evil one
  4. Haman’s new cry: Kill the spirituality of Israel!
  5. The Stoning of the Three Servants led to the real Messiah being called a blasphemer

Chapter 20

  1. The people cry out for truth that fills the soul
  2. What has happened to us?
  3. What will last in eternity?
  4. Special Grace

Chapter 21

  1. The old generations and the new generation of Israel
  2. We are grateful for Leah
  3. However, we are even more grateful for Rachel
  4. Modern Israel
  5. No more Weariness

Chapter 22

  1. The Mysterious Leader of the Administration of Mordecai
  2. The Spirit and the Bride
  3. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Chapter 23

  1. Twos, primarily a witness to the two covenants
  2. Sevens, meaning completion
  3. Seven spirits
  4. Seven feasts
  5. Other sevens

Chapter 24

  1. The Humble Man is Promoted
  2. The message of the Decree of Life was conceived on Sivan 23
  3. The Yehudim destroyed those who sought to destroy them
  4. More specifics on what happened on Adar 13-15
  5. The Feast of Purim instituted
  6. The Greatness of the Humble Man
  7. The failed exit strategy of the Proud Man
  8. The failing Administration of the Adversary
  9. What the titles and names mean
  10. Mordecai ben Benyamin and Paul-Shaul ben Benyamin
  11. The times of the Gentiles
  12. The rule of Mordecai is a type of the rule of the Holy Spirit
  13. Ten points about the little royal tribe of Benjamin
  14. Likely meanings of other names in the prophetic narrative
  15. The Tens Sons of wicked Haman

Chapter 25

  1. Messiah and the Twelve Princes of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
  2. The Millennial Temple of Ezekiel
  3. Messiah and His (Mordecai-like) Co-Regent
  4. The resurrected-glorified King David
  5. The Prince of all Israel and the International Commonwealth of Israel (ICI)
  6. Sha’ul ben Yehonatan ben Benyamin rules at the side of Yeshua ben David ben Yehudah
  7. The Administration of the Holy Spirit
  8. The Mordecai to come: the Prince who rules by Messiah’s side
  9. The last has become the first
  10. The veiled and unveiled revelation of Messiah
  11. The Prince who administers an international ministry
  12. The Covenant of Chesed-Ahavah (Love)
  13. The Prince’s Portion
  14. Pesach
  15. Three Memorial Feasts
  16. Saul’s Testimony as a former Prosecutor for the Sanhedrin
  17. “One day about noon…”
  18. The Prosecutor becomes the Prosecuted
  19. The Little Prince of Israel was set apart from his mother’s womb
  20. Compelled by the Love of Messiah
  21. “A Hebrew of Hebrews”

Messiah in Purim Chapter 2>>