Counting of the Omer

Counting the Omer 2025 begins Sunday, 13 April 2025 and ends at nightfall on Sunday, 01 June 2025.

  1. Counting the Omer and the 49 Meshalim of Messiah
  2. Blessed are you that your eyes see and your ears hear
  3. Measuring our lives by the true Manna from Heaven
  4. Counting the Omer and the 49 Meshalim of Messiah (Jewish Calendar)

Counting the Omer and the 49 Meshalim of Messiah:

A Sefirat HaOmer 2025 calendar is provided in the table below that includes the Jewish Calendar dates (Nisan 16, 5785 – Sivan 5, 5785) for Counting of the Omer and studying the *forty-nine meshalim (parables) of the Messiah.

The 2025 secular dates for Counting the Omer  are provided in Chapter 19 of the Messiah in Yom HaBikkurim.

Counting the Omer, Sefirat HaOmer (ספירת העומר‎), sometimes abbreviated as Sefira or the Omer is a important verbal counting of each of the forty-nine days between the Jewish holidays of Pesach (חג הפסח) and Shavuot (חג השבועות).

The 49 meshalim (משלים, משלי of the Messiah that we will be reflecting upon this year during the 49 days of Counting the Omer are presented in their proper chronological order as we believe they were actually taught by the Messiah.

Blessed are you that your eyes see and your ears hear:

נגשו התלמידים ושאלו: מדוע אתה מדבר אליהם במשלים? השיב ואמר: מפני שלכם נתן לדעת את סודות מלכות השמים, אך להם לא נתן. כי מי שיש לו נתון ינתן לו ושפע יהיה לו, אך מי שאין לו, גם מה שיש לו ילקח ממנו. לכן במשלים אני מדבר אליהם, כי בראותם אינם רואים ובשמעם אינם שומעים אף אינם מבינים. ומתקימת בהם נבואת ישעיהו לאמר: שמעו שמוע ואל-תבינו וראו ראו ואל-תדעו. השמן לב-העם הזה ואזניו הכבד ועיניו השע, פן-יראה בעיניו ובאזניו ישמע ולבבו יבין, ושב ורפא לו. אשרי עיניכם הרואות ואזניכם השומעות. אמן. אומר אני לכם, נביאים וצדיקים רבים נכספו לראות את אשר אתם רואים ולא ראו, ולשמע את אשר אתם שומעים ולא שמעו.פ

The talmidim came and asked, “Why do you speak to them in meshalim?” He answered and said: “Because to you it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For to one who has, it will surely be given, and he will have abundance; but for one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken from him. That is why I speak to them in meshalim. For in their seeing they will not see, and in their hearing they will not hear, nor do they even understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Yeshayah (Isaiah):

“Listen well, but you will not understand. Look closely, but you will not know. Fatten the heart of this nation (Israel), and make its ears heavy and seal its eyes, so it will not see with its eyes or hear with its ears or understand with its heart or repent and be healed.”

“Blessed (אשרי-ashrei, happy) are you that your eyes see and your ears hear. For I say to you, many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see and did not see, and to hear what you hear and have not heard. “

Measuring our lives by the true Bread out of Heaven:

Question: How do we daily measure our lives by the life of the Messiah?

Answer: We accurately measure the content of our lives by conforming ourselves to the teaching of the Messiah.

What way could we better count the 49-days than to examine ourselves by the 49-meshalim of Messiah? What better way could we count the seven weeks that prepared our Jewish ancestors for receiving the gift of the Father, His Living Torah, the Indwelling Presence of the Spirit of the Holy One, than to meditate on the teachings of M’shicho (God’s Messiah). Regarding this matter keep in mind four points:

Point #1. The truth that precedes all other truths, the key (singular) mystery (סוד) of the kingdom of G-d (מלכות האלהים) that precedes our receiving the keys (plural) that unlock all of the secrets (סודות) of the kingdom of heaven (מלכות השמים) is that M’shicho is the true Manna from Heaven!

Point #2. The Omer is a derivative measurement of the volume of a one day portion of manna. Therefore, the Omer derives its spiritual messianic meaning and purpose from the Torah meaning of the manna.

Point #3. When using the Omer we are asking, “How does this measure up with that?” We are asking, “How does something measure up to the manna?”

Point #4. Therefore, from a literal point of view when we retrace our journey out of Egypt to Mount Sinai – Israel and the Commonwealth of Israel – we are daily measuring the contents of our own inner-life by the measure of the manna. Since Messiah is the Manna from Heaven it only makes sense that we would be reading and meditating on his teaching during this very special time of the year.

Counting of the Omer and the 49 Meshalim of the Messiah (Jewish Calendar):


The 49 Days of Counting the Omer

זו שנת 5785

משלי המשיח





1 Nisan 16 New cloth on an old coat 9:16 2:21 5:36
2 Nisan 17 New wine in old wineskins 9:17 2:22 5:37
3 Nisan 18 Lamp on a stand (cf 6) 5:14
4 Nisan 19 Wise and foolish builders 7:24 6:47
5 Nisan 20 Lender forgives unequal debts 7:41
6 Nisan 21 Lamp on a stand (cf 3) 5:15 4:21 8:16
7 Nisan 22 Rich fool builds bigger barns 12:16
W1 *Week 1

אני הוא לחם החיים

8 Nisan 23 Servants be watchful (cf 45) 12:35
9 Nisan 24 Wise & foolish servants (cf 43) 12:42
10 Nisan 25 Unfruitful fig tree 13:6
11 Nisan 26 Sower and four types of soil 13:3 4:3 8:5
12 Nisan 27 Weeds among good plants 13:24
13 Nisan 28 Growing seed 4:26
14 Nisan 29 Mustard seed 13:31 4:30 13:18
W2 *Week 2

אני אור העולם

15 Nisan 30 The Good Yeast 13:33 13:20
16 Iyyar 01 Hidden Treasure 13:44
17 Iyyar 02 Valuable Pearl 13:45
18 Iyyar 03 Fishing net 13:47
19 Iyyar 04 Owner of a house 13:52
20 Iyyar 05 The Bread out of heaven 6:32
21 Iyyar 06 Lost sheep (as children cf 30) 18:12
W3 *Week 3

אני הוא שער הצאן

22 Iyyar 07 The Sheep, Gate, & Shepherd 10:1
23 Iyyar 08 Master and his servant 17:7
24 Iyyar 09 Unmerciful servant 18:23
25 Iyyar 10 Good Samaritan 10:30
26 Iyyar 11 Friend in need 11:5
27 Iyyar 12 Lowliest seat at the feast 14:7
28 Iyyar 13 Invitation to a great banquet 14:16
W4 *Week 4

אני הרועה הטוב

29 Iyyar 14 Cost of discipleship 14:28
30 Iyyar 15 Lost sheep (as sinners, cf 21) 15:4
31 Iyyar 16 Lost coin 15:8
32 Iyyar 17 Lost (prodigal) son 15:11
33 Iyyar 18 Shrewd manager 16:1
34 Iyyar 19 Rich man and Lazarus 16:19
35 Iyyar 20 Vineyard workers, early & late 20:1
W5 *Week 5

אני התחיה והחיים

36 Iyyar 21 Persistent widow and the judge 18:2
37 Iyyar 22 The Parush & the tax collector 18:10
38 Iyyar 23 Ten servants given mina (cf 46) 19:12
39 Iyyar 24 Obedient & disobedient sons 21:28
40 Iyyar 25 Wicked tenants 21:33 12:1 20:9
41 Iyyar 26 Invitation to wedding banquet 22:2
42 Iyyar 27 Signs of future from fig tree 24:32 13:28 21:29
W6 *Week 6

אני הדרך והאמת והחיים

43 Iyyar 28 Wise and foolish servants (cf 9) 24:45
44 Iyyar 29 Wise and foolish virgins 25:1
45 Sivan 01 Servants be watchful (cf 8) 13:34
46 Sivan 02 Servants given talents (cf 37) 25:14
47 Sivan 03 Sheep & Goats separated 25:31
48 Sivan 04 The Seed that multiplies by dying 12:24
49 Sivan 05 Vinedresser, Vine & the Branches 15:1
W7 Week 7

אני הגפן האמתית ואבי הכורם


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