Seven Signs and Fifty Miracles of Messiah

The Seven Signs and Fifty Miracles of Messiah:

Below is a list of the Messiah’s 7 Signs and 50 miracles as recorded by the writers of the HaBrit HaChadashah (הברית החדשה). We will examine all of these signs and miracles of Messiah at the conclusion of our study of the “Messiah in Yom HaBikkurim” (cf. chapters 72-120).


The 7 Signs and 50 Miracles of the Messiah


האותות ונסים המשיח





1 Cana Turning water into wine 2:1
2 Capernaum Healing of a Nobleman’s Son 4:46
3 Sea of Galilee First miraculous catch of fish  5:1
4 Capernaum Healing demon-possessed man  1:21 4:33
5 Capernaum Healing Shimon’s mother-in-law 8:14  1:29 4:38
6 Capernaum A multitude healed after sunset 8:16 1:32 4:40
7 Galilee Multiple miracles in Galilee  4:23
S1 Sign 1

האות הראשון, איפה המשיח בו הפך מים ליין

8 Magdala Exorcism of Mary Magdalene 16:9 8:2
9 Galilee Leper is healed 8:1 1:40 5:12
10 Capernaum Paralytic is forgiven and healed 9:1 2:1 5:17
11 Jerusalem Healing withered hand of man 12:9 3:1 6:6
12 Capernaum Healing servant of Centurion 8:5  7:1
13 Nain Raising a widow’s son 7:11
14 Jerusalem Healed man crippled for 38 years 5:1
S2 Sign 2

ריפוי בנו של איש הממשל

15 Galilee Restored sight & speech of man 12:22
16 Sea of Galilee Calming the stormy sea 8:18 4:35 8:22
17 Gadara Healing two demoniacs 8:28 5:1 8:26
18 Capernaum Healing bleeding disorder 9:20 5:24 8:43
19 Capernaum Raising Jarius’ daughter 9:23 5:35 8:49
20 Capernaum Healing two blind men 9:27
21 Capernaum Restored man’s speech 9:32
S3 Sign 3

ריפוי האיש שלא יכלו ללכת במשך 38 שנה

22 Bethsaida Healing all who had need 14:13 9:10 6:1
23 Bethsaida Fed 5,000 men and their families 14:15 6:32 9:12 6:3
24/25 Sea of Galilee/ Capernaum Yeshua & Keifa walk on water/Boat teleported from sea to shore 14:22 6:45 6:15
26 Gennesaret Healing of many in Gennesaret 14:34 6:53
27 Phoenicia Healing a demon-possessed girl 15:21 7:24
28 Decapolis Healed man’s speech and hearing 7:31
29 Decapolis Healing a multitude of people 15:29
S4 Sign 4

המשיח מאכיל חמשת אלפים איש

30 Decapolis Fed 4,000 men and their families 15:32 8:1
31 Bethsaida Healing blind man of Bethsaida 8:22
32 Mount Hermon Healing epileptic boy 17:14 9:14 9:37
33 Capernaum Caught fish with coin in mouth 17:24
34 Jerusalem Healing a man born blind 9:1
35 Perea Healed woman of 18 year illness 13:10
36 Perea Healing a man with edema 14:1
S5 Sign 5

הליכה על פני המים

37 Bethany Bringing Lazarus back to life 11:1
38 Judea Many healed among crowds 19:1
39 Samaria Healing Ten men of leposy 17:11
40 Jericho Healed Bartimaeus of blindness 20:29 18:35
41 Jerusalem Many healed in Jerusalem 21:14
42 Jerusalem Miracle of the cursed fig tree 21:18 11:12
43 Jerusalem Restored Malchus’ severed ear 22:50 18:10
S6 Sign 6

ריפוי עיוור מלידה

44 Jerusalem Resurrection of the Messiah 28:1 16:1 24:1 20:1
45 Jerusalem Resurrection of many holy ones 27:52
46 Emmaus Vanished into thin air at inn 16:12 24:13
47 Jerusalem First miraculous entry into room 24:36 20:19
48 Jerusalem Second miraculous entry into room 16:14 20:24
49 Sea of Galilee Last miraculous catch of fish 21:1
50 Mount of Olives The Ascension of Messiah 16:19 24:50
S7 Sign 7

המשיח ישוע מקים לתחייה את אלעזר